Maria Del Aguila

Hello! I am working towards the goal of being a part of a live television show, preferably local news. I love the adrenaline rush and creating something for the public to view. I don't believe in fake news, I rarely trust anything I watch on television. I want to change that. If I were to be a part of a news station I would guarantee truthful news, nothing to simply get attention. Reporting and creating stories is something I enjoy, but I would much rather be in the behind the scenes work. I enjoy technology. I am semi-savvy with it, therefore I did not list it as a specialty. In general, I love creating anything that will go on a screen. I have experience from my high school TV Productions class, where we would put on a live show every morning. Production, entertainment, and creativeness is what I am passionate about. Also a touch of an old-soul runs through my veins. Thank you for reading!